Genome Visualization Tools

Human Computer Interaction Lab, University of Saskatchewan


mRNA Vaccine Sequence Mapping
Pfizer Moderna Mapping
Stacked Triad Browser
Stacked Triad
Custom JBrowse
Stacked GFF Viz
Genotype Matrix Browser
Genotype Viz
Genotype Matrix Tree Browser
Genotype Tree Viz
Genome Browser
Stacked GFF Viz
Triad Browser
Repeat Map
Repeat Map
Genome Density Map
Gene Expression Map
Gene expression map
Blackleg Isolates Map
Blackleg Isolate Map
Synteny and Linkage Group Map
Synteny and Linkage Map
Structural Variations Browser
Structural Variations
Grand Unified Track Browser
Grand Unified Track Browser


Visualization tools for the analysis of conserved regions have not kept pace with the increasing availability of genomic information and the new ways in which this data is being used by biological researchers. To address this gap, we gathered requirements for interactive exploration from multiple groups of expert genomic scientists at the University of Saskatchewan, and developed visualization tools with novel interaction techniques and visual representations to meet those needs.

Our systems support multi-resolution analysis, provides interactive filtering as researchers move deeper into the genome, supports revisitation to specific interface configurations, and enables loosely-coupled collaboration over the genomic data. The systems have been designed as reusable modules and can be setup on your own server with your custom data files. Please get in touch with us to know how. Feel free to also drop us a message if you have genomic data that you would like visualized.


(306) 966-2327